

On this page we feature a few of the many videos which can be found online. We would like to continue to curate a good collection of videos that provide information and represent the many experiences available on the Israel National Trail. If you have created a video and want it linked here, please send us the link!

Of course, the content is the expression of the authors. Linking here does not imply an endorsement of political and religious opinions, nor the accuracy or reliability of any information. 

Above: Patterns on a canyon wall in the Small Crater.


Desert Wanderer – Shvil Yisrael

Ben Barbante (trail name Juan Dürer)’s experience hiking the 1,100km trail from beginning to end

 The Lazy Song  / Israel National Trail

Video created by Gal Boaron; music and somewhat ironic lyrics by Bruno Mars

Long Way

Russian-produced visual poetry by Vitaliy Shmatshenko

Walking Israel — Ben W

This stop motion video consists of over 350 photographs and documents our hike of the Israeli National Trail along its 1000 km from Eilat to Kibbutz Dan in April - May 2012.


Yulana Alexeev

Beautiful overview of the INT

Noam Ziv — Israel National Trail

A short introduction to the INT, Israel's longest and most famous hiking trail

Liel Melaku

A unique and happy interpretation of the INT, created by Liel Melaku (cameo by Gal Boaron)

Desert trip to Karbolet mountain

Collage of pictures from a trip to the south of Israel by "Simhat Haim" 

Noam Ziv —The Negev Desert

A three-day hike through the northern Negev desert along the Israel National Trail

The Israel National Trail, spring 2010

Photo collage by "bareitan9" with music . Two months of great experiences, appreciating the different views of Israel

Israel National Trail Week 1

First in a series of video journals by Tal "TheTravelingClatt".

Israel National Trail Sep-Oct 2008

Collage of photos along the entire INT by "seyalwork".

The Israel National Trail, spring 2010

Amikam Harpaz - Each walking day is represented by a photo taken that day.

Mount Carmel two-day hike on the Israel National Trail

Vitally Zilber - Some Russian-language content, but a beautifully-filmed hike in the Carmel on the INT

Hiking the Holy Land

Felix Kind and Sven Garbe in 2013. Subtitles in English.

Micha Von Dorth

A high-quality production through the INT, mostly oriented on a selfie stick. "I walked the Israel National Trail on my own. The beautiful trail from Eilat to Mt. Hermon, a trail of almost 1100km. Desert, mountains, hills, forests, valleys. The trail takes you to a lot of places where you wouldn't be able to come without hiking. February - May 2015."

Elinoy kisslove

Fall 2010. A mixed collage of photos with lots of good visuals.

Tomer Rehovi

850 kilometers of nature, history, and human beauty.